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Puglia Recipes Cookbook – Traditional Recipes from Italy



Experience the rustic charm and rich flavors of Southern Italy with the Puglia Recipes Cookbook – Traditional Recipes from Italy. This collection of 185 authentic Apulian recipes showcases the heart of Puglia’s culinary heritage, from handmade pasta and fresh seafood to slow-cooked meats and indulgent desserts. Each dish is a tribute to generations of tradition, offering simple yet flavorful meals that celebrate the Mediterranean way of life. Whether you’re craving a comforting bowl of orecchiette, a fragrant seafood stew, or a classic pasticciotto, this cookbook brings the essence of Puglia to your kitchen.


Discover the Rich and Diverse Flavors of Apulian Cuisine in Italy.

A collection of traditional and authentic Apulian recipes handed down through generations. This volume illuminates the diverse array of culinary traditions that make up the traditional Apulian food landscape and provides detailed instructions on how to prepare each recipe. From the hearty and comforting meals to the delicate, intricate flavors typical of the country’s staple foods, to the rich and aromatic spices used in everyday cooking, this cookbook is designed to inspire home cooks and culinary enthusiasts alike.

Recipes in this Book: (180)


Orecchiette con Cime di Rapa (Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe)
Orecchiette al Pomodoro (Orecchiette with Tomato Sauce)
Cavatelli con Cozze (Cavatelli with Mussels)
Maccheroni al Forno (Baked Macaroni)
Tagliatelle ai Funghi (Tagliatelle with Mushrooms)


Tiella Barese (Rice, Potatoes, and Mussels)
Risotto ai Frutti di Mare (Seafood Risotto)
Riso e Patate alla Pugliese
Risotto al Pomodoro (Tomato Risotto)
Risotto con Carciofi (Artichoke Risotto)


Fave e Cicorie (Fava Beans and Chicory)
Grano Stufato (Stewed Wheat)
Farro alla Pugliese (Pugliese Farro Salad)
Cicerchie con Verdure (Grass Pea Stew with Vegetables)
Polenta alla Pugliese


Cozze alla Tarantina (Mussels Taranto Style)
Polpo alla Pignata (Octopus Stew)
Baccalà alla Pugliese (Salted Cod Pugliese Style)
Seppie Ripiene (Stuffed Cuttlefish)
Pesce al Forno con Patate (Baked Fish with Potatoes)


Agnello al Forno con Patate (Roast Lamb with Potatoes)
Spezzatino di Agnello (Lamb Stew)
Agnello alla Brace (Grilled Lamb)
Agnello alla Cacciatora (Lamb Hunter Style)
Agnello in Umido (Braised Lamb)


Brasciole alla Barese (Stuffed Beef Rolls)
Polpette di Manzo (Beef Meatballs)
Manzo alla Pizzaiola (Beef in Tomato Sauce)
Stufato di Manzo (Beef Stew)
Bombette di Manzo (Beef Bombette Skewers)


Salsiccia alla Pugliese (Pugliese Sausage)
Maiale al Forno con Patate (Roast Pork with Potatoes)
Capocollo di Martina Franca (Cured Pork)
Porchetta alla Pugliese (Pugliese-Style Roast Pork)
Costolette di Maiale alla Brace (Grilled Pork Chops)


Pollo alla Pugliese (Pugliese-Style Chicken)
Pollo al Forno con Patate (Baked Chicken with Potatoes)
Gallina Ripiena (Stuffed Hen)
Pollo alla Brace (Grilled Chicken)
Pollo con Peperoni (Chicken with Peppers)


Minestra Maritata (Married Soup)
Zuppa di Fagioli (Bean Soup)
Zuppa di Ceci e Cime di Rapa (Chickpea and Broccoli Rabe Soup)
Acquasale (Pugliese Bread Soup)
Minestrone alla Pugliese


Spezzatino di Agnello (Lamb Stew)
Cacciucco alla Pugliese (Pugliese Fish Stew)
Spezzatino di Manzo (Beef Stew)
Stufato di Pollo (Chicken Stew)
Polpo in Umido (Braised Octopus)


Sugo di Pomodoro (Tomato Sauce)
Salsa al Basilico (Basil Sauce)
Salsa di Funghi (Mushroom Sauce)
Salsa Pugliese (Pugliese Sauce)
Salsa alle Olive (Olive Sauce)


Pasticciotto Leccese
Zeppole di San Giuseppe
Sfogliatelle Pugliesi
Taralli Dolci

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